Happy New Years Eve ladies! I hope you have been enjoying the Christmas/end of year holiday and will be sending out 2018 with your loved ones. About a week ago, I was invited to attend a pre-New Years brunch at my friend Jenn’s house. I loved the idea of New Year’s Day brunch as 1) most places will be closed on the 1st and 2) I haven’t seen midnight in months. While New Year’s is generally celebrated on the 31st, for us sleepy heads that miss the ball dropping, hosting a New Years brunch on the 1st might be just the thing to try in 2019.

We arrived to coffees and sparkling water that Jenn prepared with some frozen fruit and flavored water. There was also Martinelli’s available for this mama-to-be and sparkling Washington wine for everyone else. As always, Jenn creates a spread that is mouth watering. You can get a little taste of what she had in store for us with a cheese board, avocado toast, fruit salad, quiche, and a casseroll. And that isn’t including all the sweets!
Who are the other ladies in attendance? Well, if you read here regularly, you know Jenn our hostess, and Megan. Asa of Lace and Pearls Blog (she also has her own jewelry line!) and Sahily of Pretty in Pigment (all the color inspiration you could want) were also attending. It’s always fun to connect and spend time getting to know new friends without the rush of needing to clear a table at a restaurant

We also were in for a treat as Eliza J had sent us each a special little something to outfit us for brunch. Who would have thought that I could fit my 8-month pregnant self into a non-maternity Eliza J dress but more on that next week! I just love that they were kind enough to send us girls an outfit that made us feel festive just in time to start off the new year.
If you aren’t familiar with Eliza J, they are a dress brand carried in several different department stores including hometown favorite, Nordstrom, as well as Dillard’s, and Bloomingdales. I’ve actually worn Eliza J dresses on here before, which shouldn’t come as a surprise for those of you familiar with the brand as they carry all kinds of classic and feminine pieces that have a modern twist with everything from day dresses to evening gowns.

What do you New Year’s plans look like? Are you more a go to bed early, then brunch person (hi, that’s me) or a go out and party in the new year? Let me know in the comments!
Until next time,
Ana Luiza
Special thank you to Eliza J and Jenn of Hello Rigby for hosting this event!