
Knowing It’s Ok To Give Yourself A Break

when to know you need a break

I wanted to get a little more personal today and have some “real talk” with you ladies today. Between full time blogging, a 9-5 job, changing Instagram algorithms, health issues, and just plain ol’ living, life has started to seem unmanageable. The worst part is that the things causing the most stress are all of my own creation.

You are all lovely hardworking and dedicated ladies but just think about the number of times you beat yourself up about little things?  How do you know when to cut yourself some slack and just take a break? If you are feeling a little (or a lot) on edge, here are some thoughts that helped me clarify it was time to give myself a break.

when to know you need a breakwhen to know you need a break

You Are Your Own Harshest Critic

Nobody can find your flaws like you can. Want to test this theory? Start listing out all your flaws and notice how the list is seemingly unending. If you were to have anyone else to list these things about you, they might have two or three answers.

I used to dance ballet professionally, which isn’t an industry known for its warm and fuzzy qualities, but even with all the screaming and critiques that rained down on the daily, I was always my own harshest critic. Because I knew where all my flaws and mistakes were, even if nobody else saw them. Give yourself a break and see all the positive things you’ve accomplished today.

There is Always Another Solution

Being focused is great but take it one step too far and it can make you trapped in a web of your own making. There is always another solution to a problem but often we get stuck looking at it in only one way.  Some of the most brilliant minds of human history changed the world by looking at problems from a different angle. Ask “why am I so stressed/upset/angry/etc?” and if you get an instant answer, look again. Are there any other reasons?

No Matter What Memes Say, You Need Sleep To Function

Sleep is critical to the human brain and way too undervalued. How are you going to be able to focus and work towards your goals if your mind is fuzzy and you’ve gone days without proper sleep? And after going without sleep for several days, don’t expect your favorite caffeinated beverage to help much. New studies show that after three days of poor sleep, caffeine looses it’s ability to keep you alert throughout the day. Also, look up some of the effect sleep deprivation has on the body. Give yourself a leg up tomorrow and go to bed early tonight.

when to know you need a break

On a personal note, this past week felt like a episode out of the Series of Unfortunate Events. It has been one thing after another in my blog, social media, and personal life, ending with me getting some sort of food poisoning and being sick starting Saturday night through Sunday. Being sick while stressing out about getting everything ready for the week had me questioning why am I doing this?

To be 100% honest, I didn’t have a good answer. I haven’t had a full break down-want-to-quit-everything-pity-party-cry-fest for along time but this caused it. Working relentlessly towards a goal then having everything stop and jumble itself up can be scary, upsetting, and just down right confusing.

I’ve since started Hilary Rushford’s Elegant Excellence Experince and I highly recommend you check it out if you feel like you could use a little more balance (and maybe some sanity) in your life. It’s 10 minutes a day of really reflecting on what brings you joy, which should be your number 1. She explains it all much better than I can, so go check it out if you’re interested.

And on that note, I’d like to say to all you lovely hardworking ladies, that inbox isn’t going anywhere. Take some time for yourself and the things that really matter today and don’t forget to be kind to yourself.

Until next time (which will be Monday),
Ana Luiza

*All photos by Megan Montalvo Photography


Meet Ana Luiza

Northwest Blonde is a Seattle based life and style blog by Ana Luiza.

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  1. Ellie wrote:

    I could not relate to this more! Such a great post and you are so right; with the pressures of everyday life and then running your own business (blogging) as well, things get so hectic and it’s easy to compare yourself unfavourably to others when something doesn’t turn out how you planned. But we all just need to take that step back, breathe and look for another way around the obstacle.

    Love this post! Awesome work!


    Posted 9.22.16
  2. Lyddiegal wrote:

    It’s true, we are always very hard on ourselves, and never know when enough is enough. I hope you are able to regain some balance in your life and continue to find happiness.

    Posted 9.22.16
  3. Amy wrote:

    Great post. TFS! Love your outfit too!

    Posted 9.26.16

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