
How to Dress Stylishly Even When It’s Hot AF

how to dress stylishly when it's hot AF

Dressing stylishly is something we #ClassicStyleGirls strive for all year round. However this can prove challenging in the high heat of summer. Nothing says “Yes, I’d love to get heat strove” like layering when the high is 103 degrees. However this doesn’t mean that you need to live in shorts and tank tops all summer long. Here are six easy ways you can still be your normal stylishly self in summer or when it’s hot out!

how to dress stylishly when it's hot AF

1) jewelry is your friend – nothing dresses up a simple tee shirt dress like show stopping jewelry! This was my go-to during my last trip to Texas when the daily high was 95. Add arm stacks, bangles, statement necklaces, or add dainty layers to jazz up an easy breezy dress.

2) fun with prints and patterns – Summer is the perfect time to break out all the fun beach and summer time themed prints. Palm trees, lemons, and watermelon prints are everywhere with good reason. It adds some whimsical fun plus these generally tend to accompany light weight fabrics and summertime styles.

3) nothing too tight – There’s nothing cute about sweat marks down your back and under your arms. Opting for more loose fitting and flowing outfits lets your skin breath and allow any perspiration to dry rather than stain your clothes. Can you say hello maxi dresses?!

how to dress stylishly when it's hot AF how to dress stylishly when it's hot AF

4) up your shoe game – Understandably you don’t want to add layers galore or have a ton of fuss with your clothes when you feel like you’re melting, so that means it’s time for your shoes to step up to the plate. Pom poms were huge last summer and this year it looks like fringe, color, and decals are stepping up to the plate.

5) add a fun summer bag – the same with your shoes goes for your handbag. If you’re opting for a simpler style of dress, you can always add excitement with your handbag. Straw totes and cross bodies are everywhere and if you don’t want to spend more on a new style you can simply add a scarf for that extra pop of color.

6) no heat hairstyles – Who has time or inclination to stand with a blow dryer in the heat of summer? Not this girl! No heat hairstyles are perfect for the hottest summer months because they get your hair up off your neck and minimize heat damage all while making you look put together. It’s a win-win! Think of sleek chignons and pinned up braids rather than a standard ponytail.

how to dress stylishly when it's hot AF how to dress stylishly when it's hot AF

I hope these ideas help out all you lovely ladies get stylin’ this summer without suffering from the heat. What are your favorite ways to beat the heat in style? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time,
Ana Luiza

DRESS: H&M, similar here // SHOES: old, similar here // BAG: Coach // LIPS: Avon ‘Poppy Love(enter the giveaway here) // SHADES: Amazon (more on that here) // WATCH: Charming Charlie


Meet Ana Luiza

Northwest Blonde is a Seattle based life and style blog by Ana Luiza.

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