
Hello 2018 | New Year, New Goals

Happy 2018! I hope you all had an amazing New Years and Christmas holidays. To let you in behind the screen, I was actually really sick for the last week of 2017, which made entering into a new year feel a little lackluster for me personally. Most of our holiday plans were put on hold or just really toned back.

I don’t know if you guys are huge fans of New Year’s resolutions, but I prefer to make new goals rather than resolve to do something different. That way it allows me to make small changes that lead to much bigger changes without the overwhelm of one giant one right up front.

You can see my goals from last year here and I feel like I did pretty well with them. I cut way back on my shopping, I also toned back my pricey little habits (coffee, nails, hair, etc because those things add up), I cut my caffeine consumption way down up until about November, I cleaned out my closet about every other month to cut back on the clutter and sheer quantity of stuff I was hanging onto. I tried to focus on honing in on my own personal style rather than following trends and I think that one was another success.

2018 Goals

So what’s in store for 2018? Well here are a few things I’d like to add on top of continuing my successes from last year.

Personal – more weight loss – in 2017 I lost 20lbs and I have about another 20 to lose. I’ll share more on Friday but I’ve been dealing with some health issues for the past couple years that I finally tackled in 2017 and want to see more progress in 2018.

On NW Blonde – there are two things that I’d like to work on here on NWBlonde for 2018. First is to up my image quality. I have been taking my own blog pictures here on NWB for so long that I have a system down that works for me. However, I know that the image quality isn’t always the best. I’d like to really up the ante on my image quality whether that means working with photographers more often and also saving up for a camera upgrade.

Second, I’ve been toying with the idea of writing a style book for recent graduates who want help transitioning their wardrobes from the college world into the corporate world. I’ve talked with so many friends and co-workers who just feel stuck in a style rut when it comes to work or don’t know how/where to shop that I feel like there is a real need for some updated information about this. All the books I’ve found on the topic are dated and don’t really capture the styles of today or millennial women very well.

Finally, I want to know what you’d like to see here on NWBlonde. I’m planning on doing a reader survey (with a giveaway) this month to get all of your feedback so I can better cater to what you’d like to see.

What does 2018 have in store for you? Are you a goal setter and resolution maker? Let me know!

Until next time,
Ana Luiza


Meet Ana Luiza

Northwest Blonde is a Seattle based life and style blog by Ana Luiza.

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