SHIRT: 32 Degrees (these are the best thermal base layers I’ve found. They are thin enough to wear under other layers but also can act as a plain warm top as well. The leggings are even thin enough to fit under skinny jeans! I get mine at Costco but you can also find them on Amazon) // SKIRT: BCBGeneration (This isn’t a maternity skirt but it works both with and without the belly.) //

Happy February ladies! For the next two weeks, we are all going to be bombarded with everything red roses and Valentine’s Day themed and I for one, am here for it! I’ve joked before that February is when all of us who are pushing 30 can get away with wearing pink and red without getting strange looks in the office. Of course, this year is a wee bit different as I’m 39 weeks pregnant and ready to have this kid any day now. Seriously, any time you’re ready to come out kid… Any time now.
However, the show must go on and I’m trying to get in the Valentine’s Day spirit regardless. How am I adding a little festive Valentine’s spirit to my very pregnant life? In typical Northwest Blonde fashion, with little pops of pink.
Keeping it 100 with you guys, most of my outfits these days look a lot like this: stretchy, easy to get on and off, comfortable, mostly all black, and lacking in the high heel department. But that hasn’t stopped me from breaking out the occasional pink pair of flats and pink lipstick to get into the spirit of the season.
How are you guys getting into the Valentine’s Day spirit? Are you a fan of this quick pink holiday? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time,
Ana Luiza
SHIRT: 32 Degrees (these are the best thermal base layers I’ve found. They are thin enough to wear under other layers but also can act as a plain warm top as well. The leggings are even thin enough to fit under skinny jeans! I get mine at Costco but you can also find them on Amazon) // SKIRT: BCBGeneration (This isn’t a maternity skirt but it works both with and without the belly.) //
You’re looking great and I’m amazed you can wear heels! By 39 weeks with both my babies with the pregnancy swelling and the heat and humidity it was a struggle finding any shoes that I could fit into, heels were definitely out, haha! 🙂
Hope that you had a great weekend 🙂 We had a fun but busy one with a kids birthday party.
Yes, the swelling wasn’t bad in the winter. The heels were feeling a little tight though. Sounds like you had a fun weekend!
xo – Ana Luiza
Ah those heels are fabulous and let’s just talk about how at 9 months you’re in heels?!? Seriously fashion mama!
Thanks Ruth! I definitely only wore them at the last minute and not all day like I normally would.
xo – Ana Luiza