
Two Months with Teddy


Northwest Blonde - Seattle style blog - two month old

My sweet little squish is already two months old! When people say that time moves faster with kids, I totally get it. The days (and nights) seem long with the repetitive cycle of nursing, diaper changes, and the never-ending amounts of laundry (seriously how can someone so little create so much laundry) but then I looked up and we are in mid-April already. I had a little mini-crisis about the passage of time earlier this week on Instagram so I won’t repeat that here but know that I am in shock.

Some highlights from Teddy’s second month:

  • He was a champion when he got his two-month shots. He might have turned bright red but he only cried for about two minutes
  • He smiles the biggest toothless grin when he wakes up from a nap
  • He only wakes up once a night (granted this is a new development that I hope sticks)
  • He “chats” with Andrew every day when he gets home from work. I like to think that he’s telling dad all about his day.
  • He’s in the 70s percentile for both height and weight.
  • He rolled over for the first time this past weekend but we weren’t able to catch it on camera so who knows if that counts 😉

Needless to say, he’s my favorite person right now and I am so in love I can’t even express it in words.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend ahead. Andrew’s family will be in town and we’ll be celebrating Teddy’s first Easter. Easter has always been a favorite holiday of mine so I can’t wait to see how special it will be now with him.

Until next time,
xo – Ana Luiza

In case you missed other baby and pregnancy posts:

Welcome to the World
5 Baby Products That Got Us Through The First Month
Third Trimester Recap
Second Trimester Recap
First Trimester Recap



Meet Ana Luiza

Northwest Blonde is a Seattle based life and style blog by Ana Luiza.

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