
How to Succeed in a No Shopping Challenge

july no shopping challenge - j.crew factory chambray pants - Northwest Blonde - Seattle style blog

old J.Crew shirt (similar here that is already on my wishlist) // Chambray Wide Leg Bow Pants (I love these pants for the summer and have an entire review of them here) // Old Navy Chambray Espadrilles (these are surprisingly comfortable and only $40! ) // Amazon Sunglasses (these $10 sunglasses are the only ones I ever wear anymore. They are perfect for people like me who constantly break sunglasses)

So I follow Simply Elsa on Instagram and a couple of weeks ago she threw out the idea of doing a No Shop July. Given the fact that I’ve been a little click happy since I had Teddy (and was able to wear real clothes again), I think that I’m due for a no shopping stint so I’ll be joining her in a #NoShopJuly.  

I’ve done several of these no-shop months in the past and as a former shopaholic, I have some tips and tricks that might just help you succeed in this shopping challenge. I want to encourage you to join me this month in not shopping for new clothes but to instead shop your closet. You might be surprised at what you can find hiding in the back 😉

Noted: I realize that it seems counterintuitive to have a post all about not shopping but to include shopping links in it. I get that. I’m including them as a resource if you’d like to save them for later or just want to know where I found these pieces.

july no shopping challenge - j.crew factory chambray pants - Northwest Blonde - Seattle style blogjuly no shopping challenge - j.crew factory chambray pants - Northwest Blonde - Seattle style blog



Don’t create pitfalls for yourself. If you know you can’t see a sale without finding something to take home, just don’t go to the mall or click on that link. Would you take a recovering alcoholic to a bar? No! So don’t put yourself in the path of temptation where you might trip up.


Do you shop when you’re upset or bored? Knowing what triggers an impulsive shopping spree puts you one step ahead. Try to examine your past shopping choices and see if there was another factor at play. Go the next step and create a backup plan for these moments, finding other outlets for those impulses. If you’re really a champ you can swap in something productive instead like cleaning or working out.


You’re bound to find things you like over the four weeks but rather than adding it to your shopping bag (to easy to have an itchy trigger finger), create a Pinterest board specifically for these items and pin it there. That way you can have all the items you lusted after in one place come the end of the month. And who knows, maybe waiting a few weeks before hitting ‘add to cart’ will pay off and some of those items will be on sale! This is the number one thing I do during a no shopping challenge.


If you are on a month-long no-shop, it’s likely that you already have an overflowing wardrobe. Take a real hard look at your closet and give it a good clean out. You’re likely to find pieces you’ve forgotten about or that have never even worn (guilty). I also find it helpful to organize my closet as a store would for easy “shopping” at home. Extra points if you spruce it up with nice velvet hangers to make it a more inviting space.


Don’t just try to go cold turkey. Set smaller goals (i.e. no shopping for one month, sticking to an allotted shopping budget, etc) that are steps towards a larger one (being financially responsible) and celebrate the success of meeting those smaller goals. Plan out a reward ahead of time if you succeed in meeting your goal for the month. I’ll be using my No Shopping July to save up for an investment item I’ve been eyeing for nearly a year now.

july no shopping challenge - j.crew factory chambray pants - Northwest Blonde - Seattle style blogjuly no shopping challenge - j.crew factory chambray pants - Northwest Blonde - Seattle style blogjuly no shopping challenge - j.crew factory chambray pants - Northwest Blonde - Seattle style blogjuly no shopping challenge - j.crew factory chambray pants - Northwest Blonde - Seattle style blog

Will you be joining me in a No Shop Challenge for July? Let me know in the comments and if you’re interested in sharing how you are shopping your closet, snap a pic and share it with #NoShopJuly
Until next time,
Ana Luiza

old J.Crew shirt (similar here that is already on my wishlist) // Chambray Wide Le g Bow Pants (I love these pants for the summer and have an entire review of them here) // Old Navy Chambray Espadrilles (these are surprisingly comfortable and only $40! ) // Amazon Sunglasses (these $10 sunglasses are the only ones I ever wear anymore. They are perfect for people like me who constantly break sunglasses)

*Thanks to Jenn of Hello Rigby for these photos!


Meet Ana Luiza

Northwest Blonde is a Seattle based life and style blog by Ana Luiza.

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  1. Great tips! I may have to give it a try! And I love these bright colors on you. So much fun!


    Posted 7.1.19
    • Ana Luiza wrote:

      Thanks Shelbee! Give it a go. It’s easier than it seems
      – Ana Luiza

      Posted 7.1.19
  2. mireille wrote:

    I just ended a not shop month and am planning to only do one thrift store shopping trip in July but otherwise keep to the no shop: trying my best to save for next year big summer vacation and I need to start now!

    Posted 7.1.19
    • Ana Luiza wrote:

      Nice! That’s great planning and foresight on your part.
      – Ana Luiza

      Posted 7.1.19
  3. Such a cute outfit! Love the color combo. The background your shooting in front of is fabulous.

    Posted 7.1.19
    • Ana Luiza wrote:

      Thanks Amy! It was such a great, if random, find.
      – Ana Luiza

      Posted 7.1.19

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