
10 Beauty Products I Swear By

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Over the past year or so, I’ve really been cutting back the number of beauty products that I own and use. I just don’t care about new things anymore (I used to LOVE testing out new products) but now I just want stuff that works. The tried and true products that will work every single time, no matter what. I don’t need five concealers if I’m just going to use the same one every stinking day. And frankly, I just don’t have the time or space anymore, physical or mental space, to have a ton of beauty products. Then on top of that, now that I’m a mom and I’ve been even more cutthroat with what I’m willing to deal with on a daily basis. I’ve whittled it down to the bare minimum most days and so those products really have to carry their weight.

Over this past weekend, I organized and purged the bathroom so this is a topic that is fresh on my mind. The favorites stayed while everything else is either getting donated or tossed. And honestly, it feels really good. I like that I don’t have to think about what makeup products to use daily. I like that I only have one option for shampoo. I can use that mental space for other more important things. 2020, the year when less is more for my beauty drawer!

So here are 10 beauty products that I swear by in no particular order. All these products are ones that I’ve repurchased or use near to daily.

Essie Nail Polish

I used to have an entire nail polish collection and would paint my finger and toenails every single week. Well, life happens and now I’m lucky if I paint my nails once a month. With that life change came a major purge of my nail polish. I went from an entire drawer full to four. And all four are Essie polishes.

They just seem to last longer than other nail polishes I’ve used in the past and the last nail polishes standing were the ones that I reached for over and over again. The four Essie polishes that I kept are Muchi, Muchi (standard light pink – my most worn), Fairy Tailor (very pale pink – gel formula), Russian Roulette (classic red – my second-most used), Color Binge (hot orangey-red – for summer). I also use and like the Essie Gel Topcoat

Orly Bonder Base Coat

On the same nail polish bandwagon, the only base coat that I’ve been using for years has been the Orly Bonder base coat. It makes your nails a little tacky so the polish sticks better and lasts longer. I’ve probably used four or five bottles of the stuff. It’s fantastic!

Revlon Volumizing Hairdryer

I love this hair dryer so much it’s bananas and I’m not alone in my love. Many people have messaged me on Instagram telling me that they bought it and love it. Why is it so great? Because it’s basically a hairdryer and round brush in one. Like the old school straightening brushes except it’s an oval shape so you can dry and style it all in one go. I can go from wet hair to full volume blow out in about 10 minutes or less. It’s about $50 (I think it’s even less on Amazon right now) and you won’t be disappointed. I haven’t touched my regular hair dryer since I purchased this Revlon one almost two years ago now.

Pantene Intensive Rescue Shots

These $4 packets of gold have totally changed my hair! Since having Teddy, I haven’t had time to use deep conditioning treatments like Oleplex because it takes too much time. The Rescue Shots are made to be used in the shower (no waiting period) and make my hair so so soft. The first time I used it I couldn’t believe the results. My bleached blonde, super baby fine, postpartum hair looked shiny and soft and wasn’t tangling. These are little hair miracles. Pick up a box the next time you’re at the drugstore.

Maybelline Line Stilleto Liquid Eyeliner

I’ve never been particularly successful with liquid eyeliner but this changed the game for me. It’s literally the only eyeliner I’ve successfully been able to use. I think it’s a combination of the felt tip brush and that the formula isn’t too runny. I’ve been using it for years and keep coming back. I use shade brownish-black because I find that it doesn’t look harsh with minimal makeup.

Batiste Dry Shampoo

Honestly who has time to wash, dry, and style their hair every day? Not this girl! I lean heavily on my Batiste Dry Shampoo to get me through the week. I use the Clean Bare and Light scent because I find that the other can be too heavily scented for me (and Andrew). I have light-colored hair so I don’t mind the white cast from the product but I know several of my brunette friends use the Batiste dark-tinted formulation and love it.

Hot tip! Use dry shampoo at night before you go to bed and you’ll wake up with “clean” and voluminous hair. It works for me every single time! Just make sure to wash your pillowcase afterward.

Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Undereye Concealer

I tell myself that I’m going to start getting into clean makeup but I just keep coming back to this concealer over and over again. I’ve been using it for years. Mainly for days when I don’t want to wear much makeup, I’ll use this concealer to spot correct any redness or acne, apply some powder on top, and be set to go. These days that’s basically my entire makeup routine but the love is still going strong.


If you have very tangle-prone hair, do yourself a favor and get a Wet Brush. I have super fine hair that gets so tangled after I get out of the shower and this has been the only brush to gently and quickly deal with the knots without ripping my hair out at the same time. I have a little mini one for travel and a full-sized one for everyday use.

What are your holy grail beauty products? Let me know! Especially if you have a mascara that you can’t live without. I’m on the hunt for a new one!

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Northwest Blonde is a Seattle based life and style blog by Ana Luiza.

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