Hi guys, happy Friday! We made it! And what a week it has been. Since it’s been a week, I thought I’d keep things breezy and light and just catch you up on what’s been new and noteworthy here in the Creighton household.
The number one thing that has been on everyone’s mind and in every conversation has been the coronavirus, covid-19. Here in Seattle, its impact has been felt throughout the city and surrounding areas. Schools have closed until the end of APRIL, there is a ban on any event with other 250 people, restaurants are shutting down since so many people are working from home and not going out, Costco is limiting the number of products (toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning supplies, medicine, etc) that people can buy, it’s been wild, to say the least. Personally, I’m not overly concerned for myself but I understand why it’s so important to take precautions so we can all work to keep the most vulnerable among us healthy and safe.

In other more pleasant news, my friend Megan had her wedding last weekend, before the event ban thank heaven! It was such a fun week of events celebrating her and her now-husband Greg. The wedding itself went off with a bang and I think it’s safe to say that everyone had a great time. I wanted to wait until Megan posted pictures before sharing anything here. If you want to see more, she has an Instagram Story saved with pictures, videos, and all her vendors.
Jenn and I represented the blogging aspect of Megan’s life in the wedding party and I was honored to be included in her special day.
On Leap Day, Andrew and I got out for a little date night. My parents gave us tickets to see Tom Papa’s stand-up for Christmas and we made a night out of it. I wasn’t familiar with Tom Papa’s work before we were gifted with the tickets. Overall he’s pretty funny without being crass or lewd. You should check out his Netflix special if you want some laughs.
Teddy has been walking for a bit now and it’s made our park dates so much more fun! He loves watching the older kids play basketball and sometimes just plops down and will sit and watch for a while. Otherwise, he’s obsessed with going down the slide. He climbs up the stairs and would end up going down the slide headfirst if I didn’t stop him and set him up feet first. Apparently, this is also his favorite thing to do at the gym daycare.
Other things that we have coming up this month:
- My mom’s birthday is in a few weeks. Teddy will have to find something nice for her 😉
- Andrew is supposed to have a minor surgery but it might get pushed back.
- The Creighton gang (Andrew’s family) will be coming over next week as well.
- There’s a reason that this entire pile of clothes is being sold… Check out my Poshmark if you are interested in shopping my actual closet