
3 Things I Do Daily To Feel Pulled Together

Since I’ve transitioned from corporate 9-to-5er to a stay-at-home mom, my morning get-ready routine has dramatically changed. Add Coronavirus quarantine on top and wow, my standards have drastically fallen. Getting dressed means simply changing out of pajamas. Getting ready means combing my hair and maybe mascara.

Some days it seems like it’s all I can do to keep up fed and mostly clean during the day. I only have one kid so I tip my hat to all the moms out there who are quarantined with multiple children and are attempting to hold down a job at the same time. They are my heroes!

Anyways, I’ve found that over these past three months of quarantining, just a few simple things have helped me get through the days feeling human. Consider the alternate title for this blog post. “How I Stayed Human During Quarantine”

1. I “do” my hair

And by do, I simply mean do something. Most days I’ll brush it out, add dry shampoo, and put in a headband. If needed, I’ll braid it. Maybe a topknot, maybe a low bun. It’s never elaborate. It never involves heat tools. It’s just something that makes me feel a little bit more like me.

2. I Wear Jewelry

When I wear earrings, I feel dressed up even if I’m only wearing leggings and a sweater. So I’ve made a point to put on earrings every day. I keep a simple pair of pearl studs in the bathroom inside my pill container and that does it most days. Some days if I’m feeling fancy, I’ll wear my hoop earrings. It’s so minimal but it makes a big difference in how I feel.

3. I Change clothes

Just get out of the PJs! Honestly, even if that means going from sleeping leggings into workout leggings into hangout leggings. Just don’t wear the clothes you slept in! I realize it seems a little silly to be writing this down but I definitely slipped into the habit of just staying in my PJs during our quarantine. And it makes such a big impact on my day!

What are your daily habits that make the biggest impact on your daily life? I’ve been thinking about the book Atomic Habits a lot lately and focusing on my small 1% habits and I’d love to hear about yours

xo – Ana Luiza


Meet Ana Luiza

Northwest Blonde is a Seattle based life and style blog by Ana Luiza.

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