
Late Night Thoughts

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I’m laying in bed waiting for my melatonin to kick in and have a lot of random thoughts on my mind. I figured why not get them all out in iPhone Notes form. So here we go.

  • I’ve been having a lot of issues sleeping lately which has been causing other health issues. I recently gave in and started occasionally taking melatonin to help me fall asleep before 1 am. It all started when I was pregnant with Teddy and it just got worse after he was born obviously. Well, he started sleeping through the night but I never readjusted to a regular sleep pattern. I’m either going to sleep at one in the morning or waking up all night long as if I still have a newborn. The lack of good sleep has been causing an uptick in migraine headaches and I hate it. I’m having one or two a month at this point.
  • On the topic of sleep, Teddy normally goes to bed at 7 pm but lately will stay awake until 9 pm. He just lays in his crib talking to himself for hours on end. Andrew and I both think that it’s because it is too light in his room. We live so far north that it only gets dark around 9:30 pm these days. But who knows. It could also be a sleep regression.
  • My shorter hair is way lower maintenance and easier to deal with than before. I always forget that it is easier and faster to wash, dry, and style compared to super long hair. Plus it looks and feels thicker than ever. Someone remind me of this the next time my hair is almost down to my butt!
  • Blair has been sharing some Amazon workout clothes that I’m interested in trying. I have been looking for a crop top like this one so I’ll probably get one soonish. I also think that I’m going to cave and get a pair of bike shorts. These ones have good reviews and have a pocket for your phone which has become a must for all my workout leggings. I featured them in yesterday’s blog post.
  • My sister-in-law moved in with us a couple of months ago and I have loved having her with us. It’s so nice to have someone else around. Plus she has all the fun stuff: Disney+, Spotify premium, Hulu, Netflix…
  • Parenting in the time of COVID is rough. There are a hundred reasons but here’s the one I’ve got for today. I’ve been taking Teddy to the park and beaches more frequently since they’ve opened and all he wants is to play with the other kids. How do you get a toddler to maintain six feet from other people without physically restraining them? He won’t wear a mask for longer than 2 seconds so distance has been the only route. My solution has been to take him at times when there aren’t as many other people around but I feel bad because he’s at an age when he should be socializing with other children his age. Are any of you other parents in that same situation?

Anyways, I’m going to get off my phone and work on getting a decent night’s sleep. This weekend looks like we’ll have promising weather so I’m hoping we will get a couple of family park dates and maybe even an alfresco dinner. Eating outside is one of my favorite parts of summer! Have a great weekend guys

xo – Ana Luiza


Meet Ana Luiza

Northwest Blonde is a Seattle based life and style blog by Ana Luiza.

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