Guys, what a weekend. No, we didn’t do anything particularly exciting because there was a “supermassive smoke cloud” that caused hazardous air quality. Everything basically shut down it was unsafe for people to be outside breathing the air.
I’ve been counting my blessings all weekend however because we have a safe warm home to shelter together. So many families up and down the West Coast have lost everything including loved ones. If are able, please consider donating to the Red Cross. They are working to help evacuate and rehome people who have been affected by the fires. You can text WILDFIRES to 90999 to donate $10. You can also fill out a donation form and use “Washington Wildfire,” “Oregon Wildfire,” or “California Wildfire” in the subject line to donate to a specific regional chapter.
However, since we were all home together and couldn’t go out we ended up having a really slow weekend and I kind of loved it. Andrew and I almost never watch TV and we ended up watching three movies. We stayed in pj’s all morning. We introduced Teddy to Disney (101 Dalmations since he loves dogs). We had a pizza night. It was actually pretty great to not have any pressure to go out or accomplish anything.
That being said, we did knock out some projects too. While Andrew was working in the yard with his pint-sized assistant, I was able to go through Teddy’s clothes and swap them out from summer to fall. He actually is pretty well set on clothes right now. I purchased some things last year that will fit him this year and my cousin sent a big box of fall/winter hand-me-downs for him as well.
One part of his closet that needs help are his shoes. He’s been living in his toddler Native shoes all summer long and I’m so happy that I finally broke down and got him a pair. If you are unfamiliar, Native shoes are shaped like sneakers but are made out of Crocs material. They are the perfect toddler summer shoes because they don’t require socks, they don’t make his feet smell, they stay on with no problem, and they can get wet.
But fall is here and he’s going to need some new fall shoes. Sorry kid, 50-degree temperatures require socks. So I started hunting for some preppy toddler shoes that are also practical for little boys and their love of muddy puddles.

Preppy (& Practical) Shoes for Toddler Boys
Adidas Stan Smith
These were the first shoes that I got for Teddy and I loved them. They were easy to get on and off him plus they matched with everything in his closet (lots of grey, blue, white, and green). I also like that this is a more adult style that doesn’t scream toddler. The Stan Smith style ranges all the way from baby crib shoes to adult sizes too. The crib shoes have elastic laces for easy on and off, the toddler version has velcro, and then the little boy version has elastic laces, then the big kid version is regular tie laces.
Adidas Superstar
These are another great alternative from Adidas. They are more sporty in my opinion but lots of my friends love these on their little boys. Just like the Stan Smiths, they have the same style for all sizes and life stages from baby crib shoes all the way up to adult sizes.
A friend of mine told me that she loves Converse for her kids because they are gender-neutral and can be passed down and worn by multiple siblings. I think this is a HUGE thing to think about and factor in if you are planning on having multiple children. These white converse are great for that reason. Just make sure you get a pair with elastic laces or velcro. I had a pair for Tedy that were lace-up and it was a nightmare to get on and off him. I ended up selling them and getting the Stan Smiths instead.
See Kai Run
Back when I was first looking for shoes for Teddy, the number one more recommended brand I heard about was See Kai Run. They are great for chubby baby feet and are a great deal cheaper than the other brands. Teddy had a pair of See Kai Run boat shoes that he has since grown out of. You can find them at Nordstrom but also Nordstrom Rack with additional discounts.
Sperry Boat shoes
Speaking of boat shoes…I recently discovered that Sperry makes toddler shoes. Yes, teeny tiny Sperry boat shoes are a thing and they are coming soon to my household! Jk, but I’m definitely going to be getting Teddy a pair for next spring and summer.
Hunter Boots
Little boys need a decent pair of rain boots so they can be free to splash in all the mud their little heart’s desire, IMO. Hunter rain boots are the gold standard when it comes to rain boots. I’ll be ordering Teddy a pair for the winter so he can still play outside even in the rain. They make toddler sized rain boots both with or without pull-on straps.
I wanted to quickly include a pair of dress shoes for toddler boys. Personally I prefer loafers for Ted over oxfords or anything that laces up. These look nice for dressier events like church or weddings but could also be worn for those semi-formal events with shorts and a nicer button up.