
Take a Blonde Moment 4.14.21

Welcome back to the next installment of Taking a Blonde Moment. This is a monthly segment meant to be a more casual and breezy post where I can share things that don’t fit into other blog posts. Articles I’ve read, things I’ve purchased, weekend plans, etc.

University of Washington quad cherry blossoms

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Take a Blonde Moment

It’s been a minute since I’ve shared one of these so let’s dive in!

– Andrew did a full KonMari clean out of all his clothes. He did it straight by the book and wow I was impressed. He didn’t have that much clothing, to begin with, but once you take it all out and pile it all up, it covered our entire living room. I have to do mine next and I already know it’s going to be painful. I love clothes, getting dressed up, and I haven’t fully given up that pre-SAHM part of myself that thinks I’ll one day wear pencil skirts and high heels on the regular again. Stay tuned to Instagram because I’ll probably share pictures/the process there.

– Andrew is also fully vaccinated! That’s one thing I don’t have to worry about. Here in Washington State, they just opened up vaccine eligibility to anyone who wants one yesterday. I’m trying to get mine scheduled. I’m the only person left in my family who isn’t vaccinated.

– I’m making a spring/summer bucket list of things to do with Teddy. I want to get out of the house more often with him especially since this time last year we were under a full lockdown in Seattle.

– Easter Weekend had us at home with Andrew’s family visiting, which was lovely. Teddy gets to see my parents all the time but hasn’t had many chances to interact with his paternal grandparents much in the past year. He was in heaven. Easter also fell on the weekend when the cherry trees at the University of Washington here hitting their peak bloom. We made a trip over on Friday afternoon and enjoyed the views while missing most of the crowds.

– We actually have some travel coming up in the next few weeks and months. It should be interesting to see what has changed in regards to plane travel (and what hasn’t). I’m excited to get out of town a little. The last time I flew anywhere was January 2020.




Meet Ana Luiza

Northwest Blonde is a Seattle based life and style blog by Ana Luiza.

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