Hello! I’m finally getting around to writing out my first-trimester recap for baby number two. I’m currently 21 weeks and well into the second trimester but better late than never right?! Let’s just jump right in shall we?
First Trimester Recap (NW Blonde Baby #2)
Lack of enthusiasm
I’ll be honest, at first, it was kind of hard to get excited about this pregnancy. Almost like we know too much now so we know that we’re in for more long sleepless nights but this time with a toddler on top of it. My OB described it as feeling like you got away with it once and you’re not certain you’ll be able to pull off the heist again.
I’ve also been way sicker with this pregnancy than the first time around. I didn’t have any morning all-day sickness when I was pregnant with Ted and I’m paying for that now. So being horizontal for the better part of two months hasn’t helped boost the levels of enthusiasm around here. But things have gotten a lot better in the past couple of weeks and I can see the light at the end of the morning sickness tunnel.
Morning Sickness
Like I mentioned above, I had all day nausea and vomiting with this pregnancy. Woof. It was rough for the entire first trimester. I was basically horizontal for the majority of that time or at least as much as I could manage. Poor Andrew and Teddy survived although I basically gave up on cooking anything that wasn’t starchy because it’s all I could stomach or bare smelling.
With the morning sickness also came exhaustion. I’m not certain if it wasn’t as bad this time around or if my tolerance has just increased since becoming a mom.
Showing Earlier
I’m definitely already showing, which is wild to me. The last time around, I don’t think I starting showing until around 18 weeks. This time I started looking bloated and with a little pudge around 10 weeks. All my pants stopped fitting pretty early on, which was ok because being pregnant in the summer means wearing lots of dresses, no need for jeans.
xo – Ana Luiza
Want to read my pregnancy posts from baby #1?Â