Today I’m going to be touching on something a little different: clothes for baby boys. Teddy is just about seven months old but has been wearing 9-month sized clothing for over a month and is starting to work on those 12-month clothes. I’ve really lucked out when it comes to clothes for this kid since I haven’t had to buy a single stitch for him. My cousins have boys as well, the youngest just turning two, and have generously shipped me boxes of clothes. I also came back from Houston with a carryons worth of clothes as well. Even luckier for me is that my cousin and I share similar taste in boys clothing. IE, The preppier, the better! She has Teddy decked out in various polo onesies, cute little overalls, and some of the most darling knit sweaters.
However, those clothes are starting to get too small and I’ve been looking into buying some new clothes for him (can’t have him going naked everywhere although it is his preferred state of dress). Since this is really the first time that I’ve even looked at baby boy clothes I have to say I’m a little disappointed. While shopping for girls is so easy, the selection for baby boys wasn’t quite what I expected. If you aren’t into critters or construction themes, then the selection is limited at the standard retailers (Target, Carters, etc). You end up having to go to higher-end retailers to find the best selection.
I know it’s not practical to spend a bunch of money on clothes for your kids, especially at this baby stage, and I don’t plan to. I mean, Teddy’s been growing to fast that there are some things, mainly from 0-6 months sizes, that he ended up never even wearing. I’d like to find a great place to get more second-hand clothing for him. The practical side of me really doesn’t see the point of paying full price for brand new clothes that he’ll only wear for a month or so before they are too small.
I also have already noticed that I dress him in the same pieces over and over again. I tend to prefer one-piece outfits rather than trying to wrangle him in and out of a top and pants. They are just so much more practical for day-to-day life. I also lean towards blues, green, grey, and cream-colored clothing for him. It seems to suit his coloring much like it does for Andrew.
Best Places to Find Preppy Baby Boy Clothes
Janie and Jack – OMG everything is so cute and SO EXPENSIVE! But seriously this is hands down the best selection if you’re going on aesthetics alone. It’s basically all preppy pale blue and adorable. I’m lucky that Teddy already has a bunch of Janie and Jack hand-me-downs for special occasions. If I was made of money and not a practical person, I’d have him outfitted in solely Janie and Jack.
Ralph Lauren – Designer for babies? I know it’s ridiculous but you can find great deals on Ralph Lauren Baby at Macy’s. With all the discounts and sale codes, the prices end up being similar to what you’d find at Target but the clothes are much higher quality. Plus, it’s basically polo teddy bear everything. So cute!
Nordstrom and Nordstrom Rack – Both Nordstrom stores had a wide range to choose from, both in price range and aesthetics. I know that my friend Megan found some of the cutest pjs for Teddy at both of these stores.
Carters – Carters has a huge selection of things for baby but you do have to sift through a bit to find the preppier pieces. I think that the biggest thing Carter’s has going for them is that you can find everything in one place and the prices are phenomenal! I found plenty of Ralph Lauren-esque pieces for a fraction of the price.
Target – Target was the biggest bust of all the stores that I was window shopping. They have a fantastic selection for girls but the boy section just doesn’t quite cut it. They do have a good selection of jammies and just easy one-pieces as part of their Cat and Jack line.